Diagnostic Learning Assessments for K-12

Insightful • Reliable • Valid • Based on empirical research

These are scientifically developed diagnostic assessments which are custom-built on demand and enable private school groups, intervention partners and states to measure the progress of learning among their students.

The assessments test for the acquisition of grade appropriate competencies which indicate how well a student has understood the concepts and is able to apply them in complex situations.


Private Schools

  • Grades 3 to 9
  • English, Science, Maths
  • Two-four times a year
  • Detailed Reports at the level of Student, Class and School
  • Training of Teachers
  • Online or OMR based offline test conduction

Intervention Partners

  • Grades K-12
  • All subjects
  • Frequency as per need
  • End to End solution
    • Test Development
    • Test Administration Data Analysis
    • Report Writing
    • Post Analysis Training
  • Impact Reports at the level of the intervention and subunits


  • Student Assessments
    • same features as for Intervention Partners
  • Teacher Assessments
    • Subject Content
    • Pedagogical Competence
    • General Ability


Test Design:

  • Custom built assessments
  • Diagnostic questions that capture student misconceptions and common errors
  • Test papers are scientifically designed by senior assessment experts with over 2 decades of experience in large scale testing
  • Tests cover a range of question types – multiple choice and constructed response

Online Test Administration:

  • Online tests can be taken from PCs, tablets and smart phones
  • Tests can be taken any time during the scheduled testing period
  • Test takers onboarded with sample tests before the actual test
  • Technical Help Desk for trouble shooting

OMR based Offline Test Administration:

  • End-to-End Solution
  • Evaluator Recruitment
  • Sampling of Schools and Students
  • Evaluator Training for Test Conduction
  • Printing of Papers and OMR
  • Handling Logistics
  • Test Conduction
  • Data Scanning and Management

Data Analysis and Reports:

  • Sophisticated Analytical Techniques using Item Response Theory
  • Overall Performance
  • Skill-wise Analysis
  • Patterns of Learning
  • Misconceptions and Common Errors
  • Measurement of Improvement
  • Recommendations for Remediation
  • Relative Benchmarking with other private and govt schools

Futura: Life Skills Assessments for Students

Pioneering • Reliable • Valid • Based on empirical research

These are diagnostic life skills assessments for a range of skills, attitudes and dispositions that enable students to navigate a range of life contexts with a sense of personal confidence, social conscience and competence.

Types of Assessment


  • Junior (Grades 6 to 8) and Senior (Grades 9 to 12)
  • It is not based on academic subjects and cuts across fundamental thinking skills.
  • Detailed Reports at the level of Student, Class and School (in case of schools)
  • Detailed Reports at the level of School, Partner, District and State (in case of intervention partners and state governments)
  • Online or OMR based offline test conduction
  • Grades 4 to 12
  • Detailed Reports at the level of Student, Class and School (in case of schools)
  • Detailed Reports at the level of School, Partner, District and State (in case of intervention partners and state governments)
  • Online or OMR based offline test conduction
  • Grades 4 to 12
  • Detailed Reports at the level of Student, Class and School (in case of schools)
  • Detailed Reports at the level of School, Partner, District and State (in case of intervention partners and state governments)
  • Online or OMR based offline test conduction


Test Design:

  • Psychometrically standardised tool based on extensive empirical research
  • Vignette based questions that capture actual skill and not aspirational responses
  • Test papers are scientifically designed by senior assessment experts with over 2 decades of experience in large scale testing
  • Tests cover a range of question types – multiple choice and constructed response

Online Test Administration:

  • Online tests can be taken from PCs, tablets and smart phones
  • Tests can be taken any time during the scheduled testing period
  • Test takers onboarded for sample tests before the actual test.
  • Technical Help Desk for trouble shooting

OMR Based Offline Test Administration:

  • End-to-End Solution
  • Evaluator Recruitment
  • Sampling of Schools and Students
  • Evaluator Training for Test Conduction
  • Printing of Papers and OMRs
  • Handling Logistics
  • Test Conduction
  • Data Scanning and Management

Data Analysis and Reports:

  • Sophisticated Analytical Techniques using Item Response Theory
  • Overall Performance
  • Skill-wise Analysis
  • Patterns of Learning
  • Measurement of Improvement
  • Recommendations for Remediation
  • Relative Benchmarking with other private and govt schools

Futura-W: Life Skills Assessments for the Corporate Workforce

Pioneering • Reliable • Valid • Based on empirical research

These are diagnostic life skills assessments for a range of skills, attitudes and dispositions that enable a person to navigate her/his career with a sense of personal confidence, social conscience and professional competence.

These tools assess an employee’s future readiness by assessing her/his thinking skills, relationship skills, leadership skills, along with wellbeing skills.

More specifically, they measure aspects of Problem Solving, Information Gathering and Processing, Critical Thinking, Decision Making, Creative Thinking, Communication, Collaboration, Managing Conflict, Initiative, Mastery Orientation, Accountability and Delayed Gratification, and Understanding of Self


  • Detailed reports at the level of Employee, Department/Team, and Organisation
  • Relative benchmarking with other similar organisations
  • Online based test conduction


Test Design:

  • Psychometrically standardised tool based on extensive empirical research
  • Vignette based questions that capture actual skill and not aspirational responses
  • The assessment is scientifically designed by senior assessment experts with over 2 decades of experience in large scale testing
  • Test covers a range of question types – multiple choice and constructed response

Online Test Administration:

  • Online tests can be taken from PCs, tablets and smart phones
  • Tests can be taken any time during the scheduled testing period
  • Test takers onboarded for sample tests before the actual test
  • Technical Help Desk for trouble shooting

Data Analysis and Reports:

  • Sophisticated Analytical Techniques using Item Response Theory
  • Overall Performance
  • Strengths and Weaknesses
  • Relative Benchmarking
  • Recommendations for Improvement

School Climate Audit

Insightful • Valid • Based on empirical research

‘School climate’ indicates how members of a school environment, namely the students, parents, teachers, other school personnel interact and engage with each other and the school; how the practices of school leaders and staff as well as the conditions support a safe and nurturing environment for learning and growth. School climate is a significant and positive predictor of students’ academic learning. The School Climate Audit includes:

Types of Assessment


  • 360 degree view of what is thriving well and what are the gaps in the school
  • Detailed reports at the level of Class and School
  • Relative benchmarking with other Schools
  • Online Test Administration

Capacity Building in Assessments

Enabling • Hands on • End-to-End • Institutional needs

We train ‘assessment cells’ in national and state institutions for large scale assessments and equip them with robust knowledge of theory and practice. We train school groups on building their capacity for developing diagnostic, competency-based assessments.


  • Understanding the art and science of developing assessments
  • Understanding standardisation of test conduction
  • Understanding basic and advanced analysis of large-scale data


  • Customised training
  • Virtual and onsite workshops
  • Hands-on practice
  • Implementation of skills learnt through handholding one live cycle of large-scale assessments

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